- Autism Central Peer Education Programme
- Cake Club SEND Sessions
- Carers First
- Contact - for families with disabled children
- Council for disabled children
- Dyspraxia foundation
- Family Storehouse
- Kids Autism Hub
- Little Heroes ASD Support Group
- Little Heroes Dads Club
- Little Heroes parent carer support sessions
- Little Heroes Wellbeing Tuesdays
- Making Waves All Age SEND Group
- National Deaf Children's Society
- Not fine in school
- Play and Development Group for under 5s with SEND
- Rainbow Trust Children's Charity
- SAFE (Supporting Asperger Families in Essex)
- SEN Club
- SEND Our Way
- SEND Surgeries
- Sibs - for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults
- Sign Away BSL
- SNAP (Special Needs and Parents)
- Southend Early Autism Support (SEAS) Course
- Southend MENCAP family support service
- Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF)
- STRM (SEND the Right Message) Charity
- Supporting Families Team
- The Megacentre Rayleigh
- The national autistic society
- The Southend sunflower trust
- Tourettes Action
- Toy Library Family Drop-In and Special Needs Service Provider
- Trust Links Growing Together Shoeburyness
- Trust Links Growing Together Westcliff
- Your Local Offer, your way sessions