View the SEND events and activities listings for details of things to do in the local area.

Find events and activities

Most activities listed are for children and young people to either:

  • enjoy alone or;
  • enjoy with their parent carers

We also have information about support events and services for parent carers

You may also want to find out about short breaks.

Parent carers are invited to attend our monthly SEND surgeries for advice or support.

We also invite parent carers, young people and professionals to take part in co-production and engagement opportunities.

Details of universal activities can also be found in the children, young people and families section of Livewell.

Check availability and details with event organisers before attending.

Holiday activities and food programme (HAF)

HAF is a free and exciting holiday programme for children and young people aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefit related free school meals.

The programme runs over the Easter, Summer, and Christmas school holidays and is funded by the Department for Education (DfE). Find out about the HAF programme here.

Ofsted registered holiday club provision

View a list of OFSTED regsitered holiday club provision in Southend.

Other information on the Local Offer