Recommendation 1

Leaders in education, health and social care are empowered to drive forward improvements at pace so that the Southend SEND Partnership strategy impacts positively on the experiences and outcomes of all children and young and people with SEND.

What we want: The SEND Area Partnership provides effective strategic and operational accountability

What we will do: Implement revised governance arrangements for the local area SEND/ Alternative Provision (AP) system that are clear, understood and where all stakeholders are accountable.

Where are we now: Mid and South Essex (MSE) Integrated Care Board (ICB) is currently undergoing a reorganisation but recognises that the statutory requirements in relation to SEND remain a high priority.

The current SEND Partnership Board does not reflect or represent Alternative Provision.

What we will see: Clear, revised governance and partnership arrangements in place with a range of workstreams and a performance monitoring programme operating as business as usual (BAU).

The difference this will make: Strategic improvements and improved outcomes and lived experiences for children and young people delivered at pace.

What we want: A clear strategic action plan with robust accountability and reporting arrangements.

What we will do: Produce and use monthly reports which will track progress, the delivery of milestones, and identify and mitigate risks, for all the improvement workstreams.

Where are we now: Lack of pace and focus due to indistinct functions between operational groups and strategic boards leading to multiple plans and goals.

What we will see: SEND Strategic Board and Partnership sets clear measurable priorities with allocated resources to impact and improve the outcomes and lived experiences for children and young people which can are tracked and monitored.

The difference this will make: Majority of children and young people with SEND are accessing the help and support they need in a timely way.

What we want: Partnership Self Evaluation Form (SEF) in place reflecting the whole SEND and AP system in Southend.

What we will do: Redesign and update the current partnership SEF.

Where are we now: Current SEF does not reflect the wider SEND and AP framework.

What we will see: New SEF and forward work programme / plan in place.

The difference this will make: Clearer and stronger prioritisation of service delivery across the local area partnership and improved outcomes for children and young people.

What we want: Local leaders take swift action to address barriers, delays and / or systemic issues that impact on the delivery and improvement of services.

What we will do: Ensure that the role and function of the Health and Well Being Board (HWBB) as the overarching governance structure for the Area SEND offer is clear and understood to avoid any delays in the local delivery of SEND services by any one strategic partner.

Where are we now: Draft SEND strategy was delayed in implementation and therefore some priorities were not actioned.

What we will see: Leaders in education, health, and social care drive forward improvements at pace.

The difference this will make: Swifter decision making and faster delivery of actions to improve outcomes and lived experiences for children and young people with SEND.

What we want: Health and Well Being Board (HWBB) will hold strategic leaders to account for the delivery of SEND improvements.

What we will do: Report to the HWBB twice per year on the delivery and impact of the SEND Area Strategic Action Plan.

Where are we now: Inconsistent reporting to the HWBB.

What we will see: HWBB will understand the barriers to improvement, enable the system to identify priority of resourcing and challenges.

The difference this will make: Robust and rigorous partnership engagement.

What we want: Ensure that the ICB review and restructure enables the effective implementation and delivery of the Area SEND Strategic Action plan.

What we will do: Engage and work with Health colleagues to ensure that SEND features strongly in the ICB/ICS structure following its reorganisation.

Where are we now: The proposed reorganisation of the ICB is currently under consultation within the ICB and there is a risk to the children's agenda and current commissioning workforce.

What we will see: Commitment to the children's agenda and SEND continuing at a senior level within the Alliance arrangement and across MSE ICB.

The difference this will make: Lines of accountability and resource responsibilities in place.

What we want: Local area leaders hold those working within the system to account to achieve the required improvements.

What we will do: Improvement structures in place including an operational group that will implement workstreams and track against progress, deploying resources accordingly.

Where are we now: Disconnect between the SEND strategic partnership and some operational functions and the current improvement structures.

What we will see: Stronger governance structures in place to support robust system delivery, governance, and oversight.

The difference this will make: Stronger service delivery across the local area partnership and improved outcomes for children and young people.