The Southend SEND Partnership

The Southend SEND Partnership consists of:

  • Southend-on-Sea City Council teams responsible for SEND services across Education, Early Years, Children's and Adult Social Care and Public Health.
  • Health partners from Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB), including The Lighthouse Child Development Centre as part of Essex Partnership University Trust (EPUT) and Southend University Hospital.
  • Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF), the Department for Education funded Parent Carer Forum for Southend.
  • Representatives from mainstream and special schools, early years and further education settings.
  • The voluntary sector and representatives from a range of community initiatives including A Better Start Southend (ABSS) and Healthwatch.

The Southend SEND Partnership commits to listening to the child and young person's voice and hear about their lived experiences. Everything we do will be shaped by better understanding of the individual needs of all children and young people with SEND and their families, no matter their circumstances or need.

Our ambition is for all children and young people to thrive and be happy in communities where families and services work together to help them achieve their potential and fulfil their dreams.

We will achieve this ambition as a whole system partnership, with shared aims and values. Working together we will focus on improving the lived experiences of children and young people with SEND and their families.