SSIF Seminars

To strengthen relationships across the Southend SEND community and for area leaders to understand the issues facing families in the local area, Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF) will host regular seminars.

Each seminar will:

  • focus on a particular topic
  • provide information and advice
  • gather parent/carer and stakeholder feedback about processes and provision

SSIF seminars are open to the whole community. Southend SEND Network members and other organisations are encouraged to represent the collective voice of the families they support, and to share and disseminate information following the event. This will be particularly important if the families they support are not able to attend themselves.

Each SSIF seminar will have a co-production session where attendees can help develop a visual `roadmap` of the processes discussed at the seminar to help parent carers navigate the system. Other co-production opportunities may arise from SSIF Seminars.

The first SSIF Seminar was held on Thursday 7 March. The subject was early identification and support for SEND in schools.

The next Seminar will cover the topic of transitions up to the end of school year 8 and will take place on Monday 20 May in the Jubilee Room at the Civic Centre. Further details and bookings.

A seminar about the Education Health and Care Needs Assessment process is currently being planned - further details to follow.