Education, Health and Care needs assessment

The needs of most children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will be met through existing resources at their education setting. Some will be assessed and reviewed at SEN Support level and get extra support.

Mainstream schools get funding to support additional needs. Parent carers can ask how funding is being spent to support their child or young person.

SEN Support aims to make sure a child or young person:

  • meets their individual targets and outcomes
  • makes progress

Support is detailed in an Individual Support Plan (ISP) or Individual Education Plan (IEP).

If a child or young person has not made expected progress, a formal assessment can be requested to see if special educational provision is required. This is called an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA).

Local Authorities must consider any request for an EHCNA.

Parent carers are invited to give their feedback on the EHCNA process.

Take the survey