Education, Health and Care needs assessment

The majority of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEN) will have their needs met through their settings existing resources. Some will receive enhanced support and be assessed and reviewed at the SEN Support level.

SEN Support aims to ensure a child or young person can meet their individual targets and outcomes and make progress. Support and intervention is usually detailed in an Individual Support Plan (ISP) or Individual Education Plan (IEP) through the graduated response and the early identification and support toolkit.

All mainstream schools are provided with resources to support those with additional needs, including pupils with SEND. You can read about funding for pupils with SEND here. Parent carers can ask their child or young person's setting about how the different funding elements are being spent to support their child or young person.

Where a child or young person has not made expected progress, the setting, parent carers, or the young person* can consider requesting a more formal assessment in order to determine if special educational provision is required. This formal assessment is called an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA). Local Authorities must consider any request for an EHCNA.

*Young people over 16 and below 25 in education (for example sixth form or college), and those under 19 in youth custodial establishments can request an EHCNA.

If you are a parent carer and have been through the EHCNA process since September 2021 we would like to hear your feedback through our survey.

Complete the survey