Children and young people of any age can have speech, language and communication difficulties.

Speak to your Health Visitor or GP, your child's early years setting or school if you are concerned about their speech, language or communication.

Local services and support

If your child attends school this page has examples of changes teachers can make.

Pages 10 to 13 of the Southend SEND Early Identification and Support toolkit lists assessment tools to help identifiy needs.

The Let's Talk Team at A Better Start Southend provide support for children up to 4 years old.

The Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT) provides assessment, advice and support up to 18 years. Information about the service, support and referral routes.

Southend-on-Sea City Council commission a resource base that provides support for pupils with speech and language disorder or significant language delay.


Communication and language tips and milestones information (0 to 4 years)

Tiny Happy People - information and resources for language development in babies and toddlers

NHS Learning to talk (1 to 5 years)

Resources and information from the Children's Speech and Language Therapy Team

General communication advice for parent carers

Speech and Language UK

National Literacy Trust

Stamma - advice and support on stammering.

National organisations providing speech and language support

Speech and Language UK includes free webinars and an advice line


Afasic have a helpline for parent carers