Who can help if I need support for my special educational needs or disability?

If you are at school or college and need help with your learning, tell someone as soon as possible. You can speak to your parent carer, a teacher or a Learning Support Assistant.

Every school or college has a person who is in charge of special educational needs support. They are sometimes called a special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO). The SENCO will speak to you, your parent carers and teachers to find out what type of support you need and how they can best help you.

Find out about the role of the SENCo here.

If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and have a question about it or the support you are getting for your needs, speak to your parent carer, teacher or SENCO. Your EHCP Case Co-Ordinator in the SEND Team at the council will also be able to help . If you don't know who your Case Co-Ordinator is, the Southend SEND Team will be able to tell you.

If you are in year 9 or above and have an EHCP, the SEND Preparing for Adulthood Team can help you and your family prepare for what you want to do when you finish school.

The SEND Team can also help if you are over 16 and want to apply for assessment for an EHCP, and need some help or advice.

You can email them at SENTeam@Southend.gov.uk or call them on 01702 215246.

If you are having problems with your education in school or college, SENDIASS can give you some support or advice to help sort it out. SENDIASS stands for SEND Information Advice and Support Service. It is a free, confidential and impartial service. It is usually best to talk to your parent or carers before you talk to SENDIASS, but you don't have to.

Watch this video to find out about SENDIASS.