healthy eating week 10th june to 14th june

Healthy Eating Week 2024 from 10th to 14th June. Join us and take part!

For this Healthy Eating Week, we will be taking part in the British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week to encourage everyone to give it a go and make small steps in living a healthy and sustainable life.

As part of the week, the British Nutrition Foundation, a leading UK nutrition charity, will be sharing free evidence-based resources, support and advice around the themes of moving more, hydration, fibre and getting the right amount of fruit and vegetables to support. This includes posters and resources to encourage everyone to give it a go as well as some of the most popular recipes which have been selected to support the Healthy Eating Week themes. Each recipe has a full list of ingredients and equipment needed, with a simple, step-by-step method Healthy Eating Week 2024 - Recipes. Why not 'Give it a go' and try making something new? Post your images on social media with the #HEW24 tag.

The main theme for the week is ‘Give it a go’. Whether that is tracking your progress towards 5 a day, planning a hydration station or doing a new activity.  

The daily themes are: 

  • Monday: Get at least 5 A DAY -  Fresh, frozen, dried and canned all count! 
  • Tuesday: Stay hydrated - Have about 6-8 drinks a day. Tap water is a great choice. 
  • Wednesday: Move more - Find ways to be more active every day. 
  • Thursday: Focus on fibre - Have more wholegrain foods, fruit, vegetables, beans and lentils. 
  • Friday: Reduce food waste - Aim for the right amount when you shop, cook and eat. 

If this interests you, join us and take part in Healthy Eating Week and #giveitago. Register here: Healthy Eating Week 2024 Registration Form

If you need support to eat healthier, move more or lose weight please contact our local lifestyle service Everyone Health - Adult Weight Management by calling directly to 0333 005 0095 or complete an online form at Contact - Everyone Health Southend-on-Sea

Published: Wednesday, 5th June 2024