Supporting your neurodiverse child resource

SEND the Right Message (STRM) Support Services, MyOTAS (My Own Time And Space) Charity and Essex Family Forum are proud to have written and produced a pack which is full of useful information for families with a neurodiverse child.

Families from across Essex, Southend and Thurrock told the organisations that they were desperate for guidance and often don't know where to start to find the information they need. They presented this feedback to the Joint Commissioning Board in Essex, who commission services across Education, Health, Social Care, and they were fully supportive of the project, recognising how useful this information would be.

The pack includes information about the diagnosis process, how to get support for your child at school, health, and wellbeing and much more. The organisations shared their own experiences, hints, and tips as well as those of parents, carers and young people from across Essex, Southend and Thurrock. There are also signposts to useful books, blogs and online resources which are all tried and tested resources that the team have used and found helpful.

The pack is available to download, or you can request a hard copy.

Supporting your neurodiverse child pack.

Professionals wishing to purchase a copy can also do so through this link.

Mid and South East Integrated Care Board have funded additional hard copies for parents in Southend, Essex and Thurrock.

Disclaimer from the pack authors: everything within the Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child resource was correct and appropriate at the time of printing and to the best of our knowledge. Any links or information that are no longer correct or appropriate will be addressed during the next review of this resource.