Get help with your mental health
Urgent mental health support
If you are 18 and over and need urgent mental health support, dial 111. Select the mental health crisis option.
Basildon Hospital has a Mental Health Urgent Care Department. It offers an alternative to the Emergency Department for those:
- aged 18 and over
- with urgent mental health needs
- in crisis
It provides:
- a calm and therapeutic environment
- rapid access to a team of mental health specialists
Further information: Mental Health Urgent Care Department
Trust Links
Trust Links provide community based support for people with mental health problems in Southend.
The Wellbeing Hub and the partner Recovery College provide
- 1:1 advice, guidance and support
- groups
- activities
- courses
- peer support
- access to specialist support
Trust Links also offers:
- counselling and support to carers
- therapeutic gardening for adults
- support for children and young people
Call 01702 213134.
REACH Wellbeing Hub and Recovery College
The REACH Wellbeing Hub works with adults who are experiencing mental health difficulties.
The REACH Recovery College run courses to help understand and manage your mental health.
Every Mind Matters
Things to do to look after your mental wellbeing.
Samaritans provide support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They can help if you:
- are finding it hard to cope
- are worried about someone else
- are feeling suicidal or want to harm yourself
Call 116 123.
Reach Out for Mental Health
Reach Out for Mental Health is a free phone-based service. You can talk in confidence, with a friendly, trained local person.
The service is available Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm. It is for adults living in Southend, Essex, and Thurrock.
Call or text 07308 069 609
Therapy for You
Therapy for You provide talking therapy in Southend and Castle Point and Rochford.
You can self-refer or your GP can refer you.
They can help with
- depression
- anxiety
- bereavement
- trauma
South East Essex Mind
South East Essex Mind provide:
- counselling
- video counselling
- an "appropriate adult's service"
- a housing support service
They support:
- those with a mental health issue
- those with a learning disability
- people who have been arrested
Call 01702 601123.
Age Concern Southend
Age Concern Southend have a befriending service.
Call 01702 345373 or email
Sanctuary by Sea
NHS 111 may refer you to Sanctuary by Sea. This is an out of hour's crisis service in Southend. You can go along for a chat and to get support and advice.
EPUT have specialist mental health services for the residents of Southend. Call 0300 123 08 08.
Digital/Online support
- The Calm Zone is a charity preventing male suicide.
- Anxiety Society is a local peer support group. It is for people suffering with anxiety and low mood.
- WYSA APP is a chat tool with over 100 self-care resources. There is a payable option to access psychology sessions and support.
- NHS inform has information about identifying, treating and managing mental health problems.
- Beacon House provide a range of free resources.