Physical Difficulties (Ref. 6.34/6.35 Code of Practice)

Level 0

  • physical development in line with the typically developing child or young person (CYP)
  • needs of CYP can be adequately met through Quality First Teaching and carefully considered differentiation

Level 1

  • CYP can move and position themselves independently but may have stability and/or gross/fine motor coordination difficulties
  • CYP's mobility may also be affected and they may display low levels of stamina
  • CYP may benefit from low-level assistance to access the curriculum or self-help routines
  • CYP is independent with many areas of self-care but not all
  • CYP may need support with self-medication in school
  • CYP may have persistent minor health problems requiring increased monitoring

Level 2

  • CYP can independently transfer to and use a wheelchair when needed
  • CYP regularly uses a wheelchair/mobility aids to move independently where possibl
  • CYP's difficulties can directly limit some aspects of self-care (e.g. use of a hoist)
  • neurological factors associated with impairment also impact on independent learning and approach to self-care more frequently
  • CYP requires ongoing support from outside agencies

Level 3

  • CYP has significant long-term physical disability/disabilities which impacts on all areas of life
  • young person requires adult assisted or power assisted wheelchair mobility
  • CYP's physical skills may fluctuate or deteriorate during the day
  • disability significantly limits the range of independent self-care possible
  • neurological factors linked to specific physical impairments may also frequently impact on many areas of independent learning and independent self-care
  • CYP requires ongoing and long-term involvement from specialist medical professionals

Level 4

  • CYP has no independent seated stability. Transfers require a hoist and may require 2:1 adult support at times for hoisting and toileting
  • CYP is not able to independently meet personal care needs (including toileting, dressing, and nutrition
  • CYP may not able to communicate verbally without high levels of adult support/ high level use of assistive technology access in all key areas of need
  • neurological factors associated with some impairment have a severe impact on learning and functioning
  • CYP suffers from increased fatigue, hospital visits and essential medical/therapy treatment
  • CYP has highly structured individual health care plan and specialist support to meet health care needs
  • CYP's conditions require fast staff response and administration of emergency rescue medication (e.g. epilepsy medication)
  • CYP has been referred for support and intervention from outside agencies, such as the nursing team or physio, and the use of specialist equipment to access education
  • CYP has extremely complex needs requiring the complete integration of services and 24h medical support to be able to access any form of education required for the CYP to make progress