What should I do if a child within my early years setting presents with SEND?

The first stage is to discuss this with the child's parent or carers. The conversation needs to be handled carefully in a safe, reassuring space for parents to share their views. After this discussion, and if it has been agreed that the child may need to access SEND Provision, an initial Individual Support Plan (ISP) could be put in place.

What does an ISP look like and need to include?

As part of the Graduated Approach settings should document the additional support provided within an ISP. ISP meetings should be:

  • held with parental consent and involvement and;
  • incorporate advice from other professionals. For example, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Paediatricians

ISP meetings:

  • take a child-centred approach to assessment, planning and reviewing progress
  • should take on board the views and wishes of the parents and child
  • should agree long-term and short-term outcomes for the child

All children can share their views whatever their age or SEND.

Outcomes/targets should be SMART:

  • specific
  • measurable
  • achievable
  • realistic
  • timely

They should be reviewed every 6 weeks to ensure a continual cycle of assessment and planning is adopted. The useful resources section has:

  • an example ISP document
  • a blank document you can download and use

What do I do if I need further support with a child?

If you believe a child at your setting has additional needs that cannot be met within your usual SEND provision:

  • complete the Referral Form for support from the Early Years SEND Team

Before completing the form, you must collect evidence of having taken some initial steps towards meeting the child's needs. For example, gathering information about the child's development, health needs, observations and or other supporting documents to ensure action has been taken by the setting before making this referral.

The setting should ensure that:

  • parents are kept fully informed of any concerns
  • parents views and wishes are taken on board

Parental consent needs to be obtained before making any referral for outside support.

When completing the referral form ensure you have provided as much information as possible about:

  • the child's needs and;
  • the support currently being provided

Please also provide:

  • any information about involvement from other outside agencies and;
  • proof of consent from parents/carers

Return the completed form and documentation:

  • to the Early Years SEND Team at EarlyYearsSENDTeam@southend.gov.uk or;
  • by post to Early Years SEND Team, Southend-on-Sea City Council, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex. SS2 6ER

If you do not have a copy of the form, please contact the team.

What other support is available for children with SEND in my setting?

If, after discussion with a SEND Advisor, it is considered that the child needs support above and beyond what is available through the setting's own resources, it may be considered appropriate to apply for Inclusion Funding to support the setting to provide the additional funding required. Applications for Inclusion Funding are:

  • considered on an individual basis at our bi-monthly Early Years Inclusion Funding Panel and;
  • consider the specific needs of the child and the additional support required within the setting

An application will need to be made via a SEN Inclusion Fund Application Form (SENIF). It is important to submit:

  • all the information you have gathered from outside agencies
  • reviewed ISP's which clearly evidence the child's progress over time and;
  • the support they have already been receiving

Send this to the Early Years SEND Team at: EarlyYearsSENDTeam@southend.gov.uk

The team can provide a copy of the SEN Inclusion Application Form (SENIF). Applications for Inclusion Funding are reviewed (termly) whereupon settings are required to:

  • show evidence of the impact the additional provision has had on the child's progress and;
  • provide a justification of the potential benefits of any continuing funding

For children over the age of 3 who receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) a setting can also apply for Disability Access Funding (DAF). This is an annual payment. It can be used for training, adaptations to the environment or resources to support the inclusion of a child with SEND. This can be applied for via the Early Years Team.

What is DAF and what can I use it for?

If you provide places for any 3 or 4 years olds who receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA), your setting is eligible to receive DAF. The fund is to:

  • support early years providers to make initial reasonable adjustments and;
  • build the capacity of their setting to support disabled children

This can include training to improve practice and to understand specific conditions or disorders. It can also be used to purchase specific resources to meet the child's needs. It cannot be used to provide one to one support for the child.

Find out more about DAF and apply.

What do I do if I think a child needs an Education Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)?

Follow this link to find out about Education Health and Care Plans and EHCNA: Education, Health and Care needs assessment.

Please contact the Early Years SEND Support Service if you need any help or advice.

How do I collect information about a child with potential SEND?

The process for monitoring provision and progress for children is called the Graduated Approach. It involves a continual process of Assess, Plan, Do, Review as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice 2014. This can be monitored on:

  • a behaviour plan or;
  • an Individual Support Plan (ISP)

There are a number of resources for settings. Click on the useful resources section on this page.

Useful resources