Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How do I find out if my child can get Free School Meals?

Check your eligibility

I think my child is eligible but I haven't received my code

If you are eligible you will recieve your code from your school by email or text. If your child recieves benefits related free school meals and you have not received your code please email

What if I need to cancel my booking?

If you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking. This will allow another child to access a place. You can contact the provider directly or go on to the booking sysyem to cancel your booking.

Here are the steps that parents need to take to cancel the sessions:

  • sign in to their account
  • navigate to "Bookings" on the left-hand menu
  • click "View Details" next to the booking they wish to cancel

There will a button to cancel the booking and they will be able to choose whether they wish to cancel certain sessions or cancel the booking fully.

I also have a 2 year old and 3 year old child. Can they go to an activity?

The programme is for eligible children aged 5 to 15. There are lots of fun things to do in Southend if you have younger children, and many of them are free.

My Child has special needs. Can they get a place?

All our providers are fully inclusive. We recommend you contact the individual provider about any additional support your child may need before your child attends. This will ensure that your child will be fully supported to access their place.

All of the activities I have selected are full? What can I do?

There are a limited number of free places available. Places are available on a first come, first served basis. If an activity you have chosen is full, your provider will add your child's name to a waiting list. They will contact you if a place becomes available.

Is there free transport to get to the activity?

We do not provide transport, you will have to make your own way to the provider you have booked. There are providers spread across Southend so you should be able to find an activity close to where you live.

I do not qualify for free school meals, can my child go to the activities?

Many of the providers offer places for fee paying children. Contact the provider directly to find out more.

My child goes to school in Essex and get's free school meals, but we live in Southend. Can my child still attend the holiday activities in Southend?

If you live in Southend your child can attend the HAF clubs in Southend.