Looking for help?

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and would like some information, advice or support, please contact the local Southend service on 01702 302333.

Other services you can access if you want to speak to someone either by telephone or online:

Compass Helpline - 24hrs a day

Call: 0333 0333 7444

Self-referrals https://www.essexcompass.org.uk/self-referral/

Women's Aid chatline

Website: https://chat.womensaid.org.uk/

open Mon to Friday 10am to 12pm

If you are in danger, please call 999.

If you are afraid of further danger and escalation of harm if you are overheard calling 999 in an emergency, you use the Silent Solution. When somebody calls 999, an operator will ask which emergency service is required. If the caller is unable to audibly signal to the operator, the call will be forwarded to an operating system. If 55 is pressed by the caller, the system will detect this. The operator will then transfer the call to the relevant police force as an emergency.

What is Ask for ANI?

Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately)is a codeword scheme developed by the Home Office to provide a discreet way for victims of domestic abuse to signal that they need emergency help from the safety of their local pharmacy.

The "Ask for ANI" scheme is intended to work alongside and build on existing work and provide an additional tool that can be used to help the most vulnerable victims access emergency support in the community.

How does the scheme work?

Victims of domestic abuse will be able to use the codeword ANI in participating pharmacies (including all Boots stores and participating independent pharmacies) to let staff know that they require an emergency police response or help contacting a helpline or specialist support service.

Participating pharmacies will display posters in their window and around the pharmacy to let customers know that they can approach their staff to seek help. Any information shared will be treated confidentially.