Involving young people in decision making

As young people develop, and form their own views, they should be more involved in decisions about their own future.

After compulsory school age, the right to make requests and decisions under the Children and Families Act 2014 applies to them directly, rather than to their parent carers.

Parent carers, or other family members, can continue to support young people in making decisions, or act on their behalf, if the young person is happy for them to do so.

It is likely that parents will remain involved in the majority of cases.

It is important for parent carers of young people under 18 to stay involved, so the Preparing for Adulthood Team will continue to involve them in the vast majority of decisions.

The team work alongside Connexions, the Careers Enterprise Company, training providers and further education settings, to make sure that young people have the information they need about local employers, further training, and where to go for more advice or support.