Southend SEND: Review and Self Evaluation guidance

Through a lengthy co-design process in 2018-2019, 'Southend SEND: Shared Expectations' was developed for professionals in schools and settings across Southend. It was ratified by Southend's Education Board and is in line with the agreed 'SEND Review' protocol for Southend schools.

The guidance was produced following extensive conversations with Southend pupils with SEND, their parent carers, professionals, stakeholders and partners from education, health and social care.

Responses were also provided through other methods including surveys to schools and parent carers, face to face focus groups and meetings. The feedback provided a rich source of information from which Shared Expectations was developed.

5 themes were identified and 'tested' through this co-design process:

  1. 'I, my parent or carer, are involved and our views are listened to'
  2. 'I am included and have opportunities like my peers'
  3. 'I know who to go to for help and they can support me'
  4. 'I know the pathways to get help and what to expect'
  5. 'I am successful in my journey through childhood to adulthood'

These themes provide structure for the outcomes and expectations that we want to achieve.

The guidance was refreshed in 2022 and re-named 'Southend SEND: review and self-evaluation'.

It is not 'new' guidance and continues to provide a framework that enables professionals, such as school leaders, SENCOs and the Local Authority, to evaluate the effectiveness of current SEND provision.

The guide outlines what is expected to take place in ALL Southend schools, irrespective of status. It meets statutory requirements in the 'Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years', and local expectations agreed across Southend and requirements in the Ofsted framework.

The guidance will:

  • meet the requirements of the universal offer so schools know what is expected to be in place and what schools need to do for all pupils
  • reflect a graduated approach to ensure greater consistency across all Southend schools around the support put in place if a child or young person needs more help to reach their full potential
  • ensure there is greater consistency across all schools when moving from the universal offer to SEN Support and through the graduated response to help with decision making for all pupil needs or where provision is additional to or different from others of the same age
  • support judgements being made against what is expected for targeted and specialist support

It aligns with Southend's vision for children and young people in schools with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) which is the same as for all other pupils:

  • that they are fully included in their school communities,
  • that they achieve well and
  • that they are well prepared throughout their childhood in the transition to an adulthood where they lead happy and fulfilled lives

If you are a pupil or family member and have questions about this guidance or want to know more, for example, around the 5 themes, or why or how it is used in school , please speak to the SENCO at your school or setting.

A copy of the guide can be found on the SEND Guidance for Schools page of the Southend Learning Network website.

If you have any general comments about the guidance, please email