

There is help for those who have a problem with alcohol. This could be for you or someone you care about.

It may seem that alcohol has a positive impact on our mood. However, it can cause big issues for our health long term. This is both physical and mental health.

These issues can be:

  • liver disease
  • cancer
  • depression

Alcohol can affect your relationships as well. You can read more about alcohol and relationships on the alcohol change website.

There is a quiz that can help you look at your drinking habits. It gives tips on how to change these behaviours:

Check your drinking quiz

The NHS website has more information on alcohol. This includes health risks and gives a list of services that can help you.

Your GP is a great place to go for help. They can refer you to local alcohol services.


There is so much support for those who have issues with drug use or addiction.

For more information about the health risks of using drugs visit:

Needle and Syringe Provision (Needle exchanges):

Sharing or reusing needles can cause serious problems for users. It increases the risk of infections and the spread of blood-borne viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis.

Needle and Syringe Provision allows users to get clean needles and syringes and to dispose of used needles safely. The service is free, confidential, and non-judgmental. Staff can give advice around safer injecting practices. Staff can help users get support for drug use.

Learning disabilities and substance misuse:

The use of drugs and misuse of alcohol is less common among those with learning disabilities. However, it is key that they can access services that are appropriate for them. We expect our services to make reasonable changes to allow access where possible. For more information read the substance misuse report.