Technology to support hearing loss

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids have 3 main functions:

  • input to receive sound signals
  • amplification to the most suitable level for the user
  • output to send the amplified sounds back to the user

Cochlear Implants

A Cochlear Implant is a small electronic device that electrically stimulates the cochlear nerve. Cochlear Implants are usually suitable for children with a severe to profound permanent hearing loss who gain limited or no benefit (cannot access speech sounds) from hearing aids.

Radio aids/FM Systems

Pupils wear an FM system in conjunction with their hearing aids/cochlear implant. These enhance the teacher's voice piping it directly into the child's hearing aids. They also help to cut down some of the background noise.

The Teacher of the Deaf in the Southend-on-Sea Hearing Loss Team will decide if an FM system would be suitable for individual children. This equipment is provided on loan to the child whilst they are in education in Southend.