
The service provides specialist treatment, management, advice and support for children and young people with a bladder or bowel dysfunction.

In-clinic support is provided for children and young people, aged 4 to 18, with bladder and bowel problems including:

  • nighttime wetting
  • daytime wetting
  • delayed toileting
  • constipation and soiling

The service can provide advice and support with containment products as well as support with training for health and school staff for bladder and bowel management.

The also offer advice, support and early intervention from 18 months where it is known, or anticipated, there may be difficulties with toilet training.

Eligibility - children and young people with a bladder or bowel dysfunction who are registered with a GP in Southend, Rayleigh, Rochford, Basildon, Brentwood, Billericay or Thurrock.


01702 372073

Email address
Date and time

Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm (excluding bank holidays).

The administration telephone line is staffed Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm. There is a 24-hour voicemail facility.

Cost description


Referral notes

Referral from a healthcare professional is required for in-clinic support services.

Self referral for advice, support and early intervention.

Age range

In-clinic support services are offered for children and young people aged 4 to 18.

Advice, support and early intervention from 18 months upwards.