
This nurse led service supports people with diabetes to make the necessary adjustments to remain well.

It provides community-based care and support for children, young people (0 to 19 years) and families with a diagnosis of diabetes and works closely with secondary and primary care services to ensure that the diabetes care pathway is implemented appropriately according to patient need.

The service is open to those who have been diagnosed with diabetes and are registered with a GP in Castle Point, Rochford or Southend, or attend a school in one of those areas.


01702 543405

Date and time

Service opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

The diabetes patient advice line is available 9am to midday

Referral notes

Self-referrals are accepted for the advice line, but a referral from a healthcare professional is needed if on-going care is required

Age range

0 to 19 years